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Get Out of the Dark!

Lighting - by David Neubert - updated on 9/13/2013

Did you know there are over 180 energy-efficiency program sponsors for lighting products in the U.S.? Working with state utilities and other energy-efficiency agents, they are responsible for roughly 600 different incentive and promotion programs for ENERGY STAR certified products including spiral and specialty CFLs (compact fluorescent lights), fluorescent light fixtures, LED light bulbs (light emitting diode) and fixtures, and many others.

With so many different programs opens in new window, it's easy to get lost trying to figure out which ones are applicable to the lighting products you're interested in. Batteries Plus Bulbs has made it its business to become experts on these promotions, guiding customers and helping them find the most savings by utilizing the best possible rebate program available to them.

LED lights above a kitchen table

Over the past few years, data has shown that the Midwest has the greatest number of lighting promotions, tripling both the West and Northwest, and having more than the remaining regions combined. Although CFL promotions continue to comprise the greatest number of programs (over 50%), LED programs are steadily on the rise, gaining momentum year after year.

The most common type of incentive can be redeemed via a mail-in rebate (just under 50%), while “buy-down” programs, which are sponsored by manufacturers and/or retailers, have greatly increased over the past couple of years, offering in-store, instant rebates for roughly 40% of customers. With millions of dollars in incentives being awarded to light bulb consumers all across the country, now is the perfect time to take advantage of this tremendous savings.

As we've come to realize over the past couple of years, new, energy-efficient light bulbs, like CFLs and LEDs, use far less energy to operate than the previously widely used incandescent bulbs. They also last years longer, and in turn offer tremendous savings over time. However, the big downside to immediately changing to these alternative lighting products has always been price; they cost considerably more up front than incandescent light bulb types. However, with these tremendous rebate programs now available throughout much of the country, there has never been a better time to make the switch.

At Batteries Plus Bulbs, our friendly staff is happy to guide customers through the entire process of selecting the right light bulbs for the application they desire. Whether a CFL, LED, or any of the other number of specialty bulbs that we carry, our lighting experts will be able to analyze exactly which type of bulb will be needed to satisfy a customer's specific needs, while also informing them of all applicable rebate programs that may be available for them to take advantage of. Our ultimate goal is to get our customers the best lighting products for the best price.

LED vs CFL vs Halogen guide

By stopping in at any one of our Batteries Plus Bulbs locations, homeowners and business owners can begin experiencing the tremendous savings associated with switching to energy-efficient lighting today.

Source: 2012 ENERGY STAR Summary of Lighting Programs