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Nexcare Home and Electronic Batteries

You expect your Nexcare thermometer to take an accurate temperature reading whenever you need it most. Over time, you may need to replace your Nexcare batteries, so it's always a good idea to have a backup on hand. Batteries Plus Bulbs carries a variety of digital thermometer batteries from trusted brands.

Find Your Nexcare Home and Electronic Battery

Power Management of Thermometer Batteries

Most thermometer batteries last between three and five years. However, if you use the device regularly, you'll probably need to replace the thermometer battery more frequently.

Whether you rely on your device for home or professional use, you can do your part to prolong your digital thermometer battery. Your thermometer may be designed to automatically shut off after a certain amount of time, however, you can prolong the life of your battery by manually pressing the thermometer's on/off switch to force the device to power down.

When to Replace a Digital Thermometer Battery

Most Nexcare digital thermometers will alert you whenever it's time to replace your battery. If the battery symbol begins to blink, it's an indication that you need to purchase a replacement battery. If your device no longer starts, you should also invest in a new digital thermometer battery. At Batteries Plus Bulbs, we can help you determine what kind of battery your digital thermometer uses.

Find a great assortment of Nexcare-compliant batteries at Batteries Plus Bulbs. Shop digital thermometer batteries for your Nexcare product online or in-store now.

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