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Cordless Phone Batteries

Discover power you can count on for all your calls with cordless phone batteries from Batteries Plus Bulbs. Shop batteries for top phone brands and models, and learn tips for keeping your landline phone batteries working at their best.

Choosing Your Cordless Phone Batteries

When the time comes to find a cordless phone battery replacement, Batteries Plus Bulbs makes it easy with a wide range of battery types. Shop by phone brands, including AT&T, Motorola, Panasonic and more. Once you've found the right brand, browse a range of battery options to fit different phone models. If you're having trouble finding the right fit, drop by your local Batteries Plus Bulbs location and one of our experts will be happy to help you find a new home phone battery.

Make the Most of Your Cordless Phone Batteries

Keep replacements to a minimum with a few easy tips to maintain your home phone batteries.

  • Remember to charge: Not only does charging your landline phone batteries ensure you always have power when you need it, but it helps to protect the battery itself. Leaving batteries in a discharged state shortens their life, so remember to charge your cordless phone battery after long calls.
  • Avoid overcharging: Continuous charging can shorten battery life, so remember to remove your phone from the cradle once it has reached full power.
  • Practice safe storage: Batteries last longest when stored in a cool, dry place away from heat and sunlight.

Even with the best care, all home telephone batteries need to be replaced eventually. When the day comes for cordless phone battery replacement, order online or drop by your local Batteries Plus Bulbs to find a wide selection of new batteries as well as recycling options for your old battery.

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