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Yogi Berra and Other Tips for a Good Battery

Power - by David Neubert - updated on 9/6/2013

When we think of the batteries that we use to power our electronic devices on a daily basis, we expect them to last a long time. However, there are many factors that can inhibit us from getting the most out of our batteries, so here are a few helpful hints that will ensure you get the best performance out of your Lithium-ion laptop or cell phone batteries...

The Top 3 Energy Efficient Technologies

Power - by David Neubert - updated on 8/2/2013

All good things must come to an end; live by the sword, die by the sword; heck, mo' money mo' problems, right? Well, maybe that last one might not be an issue for most of us, but you get the idea. For many perceivably good things that exist in the world, there often seems to be a "catch"; so many things are bittersweet, aren't they?...

FLASHLIGHT WARS – Choose Your Weapon Wisely!

Lighting - by David Neubert - updated on 6/21/2013

With advances in technology, the range of tactical, handheld and mountable flashlights has evolved into an impressive arsenal of rugged, multi-purpose, ultra-dependable devices; displaying a raw power never witnessed in portable lights before...

Saving Your Cell Phone from April Showers, Summer Heat & More

Tech - by Jessica Carey - updated on 4/26/2013

At some point, you may find that your phone has suffered the effects of the outdoor elements. Don't panic! Here are some tips to salvage your cell phone after it has encountered outdoor damage...

Batteries Plus Celebrates Earth Day!

Power - by Jessica Carey - updated on 4/19/2013

Batteries Plus is encouraging you to follow the three "environmental Rs": reduce, reuse and recycle. Reduce your carbon footprint by using products that use less energy, like rechargeable batteries, energy-efficient light bulbs, energy-efficient windows and more...

Maintaining Your Motorcycle Battery

Power - by Jessica Carey - updated on 4/12/2013

If you ride, then you know how exciting this time of year is. During these prime motorcycle months, you'll need to upkeep your bike to keep it on the road. At Batteries Plus, we would like to wish you a safe and happy riding season by offering some helpful motorcycle battery maintenance tips...

Spring Cleaning

Power - by Jessica Carey - updated on 4/5/2013

As you begin the daunting task of cleaning out your closets, drawers and cabinets, add one more item to the list. Clean your batteries. Corrosion, dirt and moisture will build up on the terminals or contacts and drain power. This will reduce the efficiency of energy transfer and eventually cause the battery to die...

Two Green Thumbs Up for Grow Bulbs

Lighting - by Jessica Carey - updated on 3/22/2013

Whether you're an extreme gardener, prefer greenhouses or are simply starting your spring garden indoors during the remaining cold months, all plants need sunlight and the best way to get it indoors is by using plant grow light bulbs...

Boat Battery Basics

Power - by Jessica Carey - updated on 3/8/2013

Although boating is considered to be a hobby, there is A LOT to know about it and taking care of your own vessel is a huge responsibility. In addition to storage, cleaning and overall maintenance, as a boater, you also have to keep a strict eye on your boat's battery...

Learning LEDs

Lighting - by Jessica Carey - updated on 2/1/2013

LED light bulbs have been swirling around the media a lot lately. Recent technology has allowed them to become more practical for use in your home. That's great news, considering the first stage of the EISA incandescent phase-out has already gone into effect...