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Charge On

Power - by David Neubert - updated on 9/26/2014

It's easy to forget about our car, truck and motorcycle batteries until it's too late. That's because they usually just run without interruption until they die, without any forewarning. Predicting when this might happen is like trying to guess when and where the next earthquake might occur...

Going Retro: A Guide to Retrofitting Your Lighting System

Lighting - by David Neubert - updated on 9/19/2014

LED bulbs are everywhere these days.With so many options for homeowners and business owners to choose from, it's important to understand the differences between them. Here's a breakdown of the basic types of LED bulbs – what they're called and what they do...

The Cost of Labor: To Repair or Replace; That Is the Question

Tech - by David Neubert - updated on 8/29/2014

As smartphones, tablets and other portable electronic devices continue to take over the market, there is a subsequent spike in the demand to repair them. Fixing these devices, rather than replacing them, can save hundreds of dollars in most cases...

Psychology of Lighting

Lighting - by David Neubert - updated on 5/30/2014

With all the new lighting options currently available, it's important to understand which characteristics should be considered when purchasing CFL and LED bulbs for the home. We will go over a room-by-room breakdown of the recommended lighting for each unique space in a typical house...

Out with the Old, In with the New

Lighting - by David Neubert - updated on 4/11/2014

When it comes to changing our old, inefficient light bulbs to energy-efficient replacements, there is a way to measure exactly how much this process will improve our livelihood. By using an Energy Savings Calculator, it's possible to correctly identify the amount of energy and money that can be saved by upgrading to CFLs and LEDs...

Spring – A Time for Something New

Tech - by David Neubert - updated on 4/4/2014

According to the "Diffusion of Innovation" theory, as popularized in a book by Everett Rogers, there are 5 categories of adopters that we all fall into: innovators, early adopters, early majority, late majority and laggards. Which one are you?...

Saving Daylight

Power - by David Neubert - updated on 3/7/2014

Today, the developments in solar power are as exciting as any in the realm of smart, renewable energy. In fact, you can't even drive down a residential street anymore without seeing rows of solar-powered landscape lights, ornately displayed near walkways or in homeowners' yards...

Keeping Batteries Fresh

Power - by David Neubert - updated on 1/31/2014

You probably know how utterly hopeless it can feel to be stuck somewhere when your car won't start. Maybe you were fortunate enough to have access to a booster-pack, but if you weren't, then, odds are, you spent what felt like an eternity waiting for a tow or roadside-assistance reviewing exactly how you would avoid this situation from ever happening again...

Safety First, Dance Later

Power - by David Neubert - updated on 10/11/2013

We need to continue to educate ourselves on fire safety and prevention, and take the time to exercise all precautions necessary in our homes and businesses. Pause and make sure we are doing all we can to deter any potential damage that can be caused by fire...

Get Out of the Dark!

Lighting - by David Neubert - updated on 9/13/2013

Did you know there are over 180 energy-efficiency program sponsors for lighting products in the U.S.? Working with state utilities and other energy-efficiency agents, they are responsible for roughly 600 different incentive and promotion programs for ENERGY STAR certified products...